Sunday, September 15, 2013

In honor of Uncle Jonathan

Hey there! 
This is my first blog post so I hope you understand...;) I want this one to be in honor of my beloved uncle who passed away in June a year ago.We all miss him like crazy! Since I am here in Nicaragua it is even more real to me! I see Jessica and their children here without him and it breaks my heart! It hasn't been the easiest and though we still ask why, we keep living our lives knowing God had a reason. 
    Just before he died they found out that Jessica was expecting. Jonathan was so happy and instantly said it just had to be a boy (since they already had 3 adorable girls)! To make the story short this baby did turn out to be the cutest little boy ever!
He is so very precious to us and we love him dearly!
 His name is Jonathan Jay named after his daddy and my brother (who had spent quite some time living with them and helping with their farm).

 I love this baby to pieces! He is so happy and such a good baby!

 Look at those eyes!!!

This is a collage I made in June. Exactly a year since his death.

His girlies loved him and they have so many stories to tell of him! Uncle Jonathan you would be so proud of each one of them! Even though we miss you so much. We would not wish you back. We know that Heaven is the best place to be!! I can't wait to hear you singing with the angles! I can still hear your strong tenor voice! It is greatly missed in the Miller group! We loved you dear uncle and always will, and one day we wish to see you again!
 The oldest.. Tisha
Jessica you have an amazing heart that is filled with faith and trust in God! I love you and the children so much! Praying for you!